Project Case Study

Career Navigator

Guiding Students and Universities to Success


Personalised Career Guidance

Students can discover their ideal career paths based on their interests, skills, and market demand, helping them make informed decisions about their education and future.


Skill Development Opportunities

Recommendations for skill development outside of the curriculum, empowering students to enhance their employability and competitiveness in the job market.


Real-Time Job Market Insights

Access to the latest job trends and in-demand skills ensures that students stay updated with the evolving job market landscape, enabling them to make proactive career choices.


Tailored Program Offerings

Equipping university coordinators with data-driven insights to customise program electives based on skills covered, ensuring alignment with industry demands and enhancing the relevance of academic offerings.


Student Engagement and Retention

By providing valuable career guidance and skill development opportunities, Career Navigator fosters student engagement and retention, enhancing the overall student experience and success.


Armed with insights gathered from the research phase, I transitioned to the wireframing stage, sketching out the platform’s architecture and key features. Iterating rapidly based on feedback from stakeholders, I refined the wireframes to ensure intuitive navigation and seamless user flows.